Giving Tuesday & the 10% Club
Giving Tuesday is about supporting nonprofits with the same enthusiasm that we use to scoop up early Christmas presents and discount deals on Black Friday (or speed-click sale pages on Cyber Monday!).
Seriously though, we love that there’s a whole day dedicated to rallying the community around organizations who are making a difference.
10% Club
For this year’s Giving Tuesday, we wanted to talk about the suit—and its charity—that started it all. Julia and the Julia suit.
Each Nettle’s Tale suit donates 10% of its profits to a charity chosen by the woman who was our original fit model.
Julia chose ACTS for the underwire bikini Julia suit, just like Kelsey picked the BC SPCA for her wrap-top one-piece, and Heather chose the Vancouver Native Health Society for the reversible, high-neck, two-piece designed for her.
The list goes on and we couldn’t be prouder to support our 10% Club members.
Water & Women
For Julia, owner of our local swimwear company, nothing is more important than empowering women to get in the water. It’s no surprise then, that she wanted her suit to support charity related to both women and water.
The home of Nettle’s Tale in the Pacific Northwest is blessed with faucets full of clean drinking water, but this isn’t the case everywhere.
Video by Britney Berrner for ACTS
ACTS, or the Africa Community Technical Services, is an organization providing clean water to 162,000 people in rural Uganda by working with local communities to build 21 gravity-flow water projects.
There are over 8 million people in Uganda without access to clean water. Often it is young girls and women who make long, dangerous journeys to collect from unsafe water sources, missing school and risking disease.
We started Nettle’s Tale to make women feel comfortable in their swimsuits. It’s a bonus–and an honour–to also help girls stay safe, healthy and educated, in whatever part of the world they live.
So maybe you’re looking to support a water cause with your purchasing power, or just want a bikini that supports your bust and hugs your stomach with soft elastics. Try on The Julia or check out ACTS for yourself.
Read more about our 10% Club with the Kimberly Top and Creative Life!
We’ve launched a series featuring our nonprofit pals, so keep an eye on the blog or ask about our suits in store anytime.