Mother's Day Contest
When we launched our Mother's Day Giveaway this year, we had no idea what an overwhelming amount of photos we would receive! While it certainly made it more difficult to choose winners, it warmed our hearts and put tears in our eyes to look through all these photos of strong beautiful women and their mothers & daughters.
We wanted to make sure we said a big THANK YOU to all of you who submitted photos! We are always blown away by your support and excitement, and can't wait to hear more of your stories.
To start, a few honourable mentions:
• Amy & her mom Joyce, featuring incredible displays of athleticism & grace!
• Caroline & mom & grandma!
• Faye & Bev (already love to match!)
• Jamie & mom (clearly very excited about water sports)
• Lindsey & mom - can we join you for drinks next time!?
• Alexandra & her baby girl
• Kristy & Olive
• Amy & mom, matching on her first beach trip!
• Lee Ann & Ella at Alta Lake
• Kirsten, sister Elise, and their mom Hilda, celebrating Hilda's 70th birthday in Mexico!
• Karen & her daughters on a girls getaway
Cheryl (right, with her grandma Julia) and her mom Nancy—who is 64 and still owns and FITS IN that swimsuit!
Below is an excerpt from Cheryl's email to us when she found out that she & her mom had won - we just had to include it for you all to read, we love stories of empowering & strong women!
"When I started following Nettle's Tale during the Indiegogo days, I so fell in love with Julia and all she has to say. You see, most of my upbringing occurred in Orange County, CA, where everyone is a size 2 and I babysat for all the neighbors' kids when they went in for their breast implants. As a young woman, I HATED that this was so normalized/ expected. My mom did NOT get implants and taught aerobics and told us to take care of our bodies through healthy eating and working out even if we will never be tiny people. And it was hard being a "normal" sized person there! ... But one thing I feel like your company will appreciate is that my sister and I have gone through old pictures of us at awkward stages, where we could have probably stood to lose a few pounds and we've joked with my mom "Why didn't you tell us that we should be taking better care of ourselves/we were so awkward looking?" What my mom said is SO wise (in my opinion) -"girls... you will realize as an adult you NEVER need to say to a young girl they need to lose weight or change how they look. You are so bombarded with societal messages that you should be XX thin and look XX way that I can guarantee you every girl is putting too much pressure on themselves already without a parent saying something. You just need to live your example."